Webinar series: The Wisdom of St Francis (July 2024)

Please note that this event is still available and you can purchase access to all the resources as well as the 4 presentations.

Join Simon de Voil and David Wallace for this 4 part deep dive into the spiritual richness of the Franciscan tradition. We'll use conversation, reflection, and song to explore the wisdom of Francis and Clare of Assisi, with focus on the meaning and relevance of their teachings in our own lives.

  • An exploration of the wisdom of Francis and Clare of Assisi, with focus on the meaning and relevance of their teachings in our own lives.
  • Experiential and contemplative practices illuminating Franciscan spirituality through poetry and song (visio and audio divina).
  • In-depth discussion and teaching from both facilitators, with space for sharing and reflection from participants.
  • Four live 90-minute Zoom gatherings (2 - 3:30 pm Eastern Time). All sessions recorded for later viewing. You are welcome to join the retreat even if you can't attend all sessions live.
  • Additional resources will be provided to continue your learning between sessions. Homework is always optional, but encouraged to deepen your personal exploration.

Session I: Canticle of Creation
Session II: Anam Cara — The Soul Friendship of Clare and Francis
Session III: Lady Poverty
Session IV: The Holy Fool

Cost: $75 (with additional pay it forward and low income options).

Tickets & Information https://simondevoil.com/francis2024

Workshop: Celtic Christianity in Modern America (Aug. 2023)

This  1 hour 45 mins zoom workshop was recorded as is available to purchase as a replay.

Workshop description: For a loosely woven spiritual tradition that took shape some 1400 years ago, Celtic Christianity has a surprising amount to teach about living a good life today.  Emerging from the clan and place-based cultures of Ireland, Britain, Wales, and Brittany, Celtic Christianity offers a very different ethos than the doctrine delivered by the imperial, patriarchal Roman Church. Some of the guiding principles we can draw from Celtic Christianity include:
Recognizing the living earth as the substance of Godde
Discovering Christ in the stranger’s guise (in creatures, creation, and fellow humans)
Learning to read the big book of Creation alongside the wee books of scripture
Awakening the soul through beauty and ritual
Cherishing the earth as an active spiritual practiceIn this experiential workshop, Simon will incorporate song, storytelling, and both ancient and modern prayer to share his living version and vision of Celtic Christianity.
Cost to access the replay recording is sliding scale $10-20.  https://www.crowdcast.io/c/5a1f6y8roqtn

Webinar series on The Psalms (Sept 2023)